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GBMA event detail "pin where you've been"

Hello Cougars!

Can you believe that the semester is almost coming to the end? I know you are busy for prepare for final exam, but we invite you to join our event, "Pin Where you’ve Been". Come our event and have fun with us! Event detail would be below.


December 1, Thursday 2016 10am-1pm(U-hour) at Markstein Plaza

Event description:

We want to shed light on how many different cultures Cougars come from and they can discover various cultures within California State University San Marcos. We would ask you if you to pin places where you have been on the world map.

If you follow our any of social media account: Facebook, Instagram, ,Twitter,or subscribe this blog, you would win this scratch world map!

If you have any question, let us know! We are looking forward to seeing you at the event!

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